
And the Winner is...

...me! This morning I was officially offered the full-time tenure-track position here at Wayne State!

So now that main trial is over, and the new struggles can begin:

1.) Lauren now must figure out what will happen with her employment. We're hoping that she will be able to continue with Percussion Source, remotely. If that is not possible, we will need to actively look for work for her in Wayne and neighboring communities.

2.) House hunting. We have something in mind, but we need to work out the little details, like finances, moving, etc. Unfortunately, this is going to depend on Lauren's situation, so this is not something that is going to resolve itself quickly.

I'm thankful for all the help I've gotten along the way so far, from friends, family, students and colleagues, and all those who were pulling for me. It means a lot to have such great people in your corner.


D-Day approacheth...

So tomorrow is the big day, so to speak. Tomorrow is my "Campus Visit," which is to say that I have a whole string of interviews, etc. that I have to do all day, as well as pretending I'm new to Wayne State, which is downright silly, all things considered.

I understand the rationale. All candidates must be considered on a level playing field, or as near as is possible. In reality, the proceedings are skewed (albeit slightly) in my favor since I've been here working with these students and faculty since July.

So the day's schedule includes separate meetings with the Dean, VP for Academic Affairs, Music Department Chair, Position Search Committee and (refreshingly) some students. In addition, I have to perform a half-hour recital, teach a lesson and direct the Wind Ensemble.

All in one day. It's a marathon, no doubt about that.

Still, I'm not really worried. I'll just show up and do basically the same things I always do, in the same place and with the same people I usually do them. Except for the interviews.

The other candidate (there are only two finalists, myself included) will be in town on Friday, so I'm going to do my best to be out for much of that day. I think I'll take the Rev. Ray up on his lunch offer. Hopefully sometime next week I'll know what direction my life is going to take, which would certainly be useful information.